A very nice mix with a excellent choice of music! In this mix, artist such as; Elaquent, Shafiq Husayne, Kev Brown, Karriem Riggins, AFTA-1, .Sa-Ra Creative Partners,Dam-Funk & many more give us that needed ear-gasm. Check out the tracklist in the comment section, this is a 1:17:34 to be exact long run time!
Word from Ill Vibes: And you thought we were done? Ha, it's been sometime since I've dropped a massive. After accumulating new sounds and reflecting on the current times, I felt it was right to drop this with you. You, the people. This music is timeless. It is life, it is deep. The sounds are provided from artists who reside from every continent which makes this a global sound. This music sounds exactly how a person would perceive the 'Future'. This playlist may just be the soundtrack to your life.......
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August 5, 2009 at 12:15 PM
Dimlite Intro
01.eLAn -I Can't Breathe
02.KenLo&VLooper - VEN-us
03.Space Monk - tzurremix
04.Henry From Outer Space - hfos
05.KenLo Craqnuques - Caverne (Rose)
06.Transit7 - Cash Croppin'
07.devonwho - Whiteplastic()
08.i-Sa - Clips
09.KenLo Craqnuques - Grasmaigre (Rose)
10.StatikMusic - AO Teknology
11.Harrison Blakoldman - Bionik Beta
12.Monkey Sequence 19 - Just Relax ft. blue (Sequence Remix)
13.StatikMusic - Irie
14.Annu - Strawberry Surf//Juice Smoke
15.Red - I Should Tell Ya Momma On You (Dam-Funk Remix)
16.Hi-res - Savepoint
17.Floating Points - untitled
18.Mindesign - Butterflies (Flybutter Remix)
19.Mfp - beat30
20.Elaquent - Are You There (Peach)
21.Electric Wire Hustle - Perception
22.Shafiq Husayne - Return of Smoke On Ya
23.KnXwl3dG3 - preservatives
24.GB - 208 Strings
25.Karriem Riggins - Rhodes Ahead
26.Kev Brown - Beats N' Rhymes
27.Jellphonic & LP - a Little Something
28.Universal Tanaka - Still Three
29.KenLo Craqnuques - Pelure rapbeat (Rose)
30.Elaquent - Missing Link (Amber)
31.Hi-res - he'lyin/Dustystar
32.Tony Ozier - Futuristic Soul (Produced by 14KT)
33.K15 - ThreeYearsofHeartBreak
34.AFTA-1 - Love Suite 2
35.Annu - She
36.Transit7 - The Funk Is Back
37.Shlomo - Sweatpants
38.fitzambro$e - fluUzies
39.Griffi - Kenyufilen
40.KenLo&Vlooper - Pandemia2010
41.Sa-Ra Creative Partners - Melodee N Mynor
42.Dam-Funk - On & On
43.Cloud. - RunitBack!
44.Hayzee - Hayzee Teknology
45.I.N.T. - Rush n Stop
46.Tom Trago - Brothers of String
47.GB - 10 in my 1974 ferrari
48.Elaquent - Neon Glow (Turqoise)
49.J Dilla - Unreleased
50.Falty DL - Metacognist
51.Dwele - Startin Somethin' (MJ Tribute)
52.Muun x devonwho - cosma driftin
53.k15 & LP - M.U.S.I.C.
54.KenLo&Vlooper - Marchanddesoul
55.Vlooper - Mercure
56.Madlib - Unreleased
57.Dam-Funk - Killdat aka Killdatmuthafu*ka
58.00Genesis - twisted Towel
59.Space Monk - Rain Flower
60.Lilly Allen - Smile (Remix)
61.AFTA-1 - Tyden Flyver (PHASE2)
62.Money Sequence 19 - The Look of Love remix
63.a.z - Hollow
64.Radiohead Tribute - Morning Bell ft. Donn
65.DJ Clart - Paris Tokyo (dnb remix)
August 5, 2009 at 12:52 PM
Sitting here listening now..tracklist looks dope as a muh-fuh.
Oh yeah, I doubt you'll get a lot of people saying it's too long with good music like this playing. PEACE.